Definition of Juvenile delinquent

1. Noun. A young offender.

Exact synonyms: Delinquent
Generic synonyms: Offender, Wrongdoer
Derivative terms: Delinquent

Definition of Juvenile delinquent

1. Noun. (legal) A persistent young offender; an antisocial minor, one who has committed criminal acts such as theft or violence. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Juvenile delinquent

1. A minor who cannot be controlled by parental authority and commits antisocial or criminal acts, such as vandalism, violence, or robbery. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Juvenile Delinquent

juvenile-onset diabetes
juvenile absence epilepsy
juvenile amaurotic idiocy
juvenile angiofibroma
juvenile arrhythmia
juvenile body
juvenile carcinoma
juvenile cataract
juvenile cell
juvenile cerebellar astrocytoma
juvenile chorea
juvenile chronic arthritis
juvenile cirrhosis
juvenile court
juvenile delinquency
juvenile delinquent
juvenile delinquents
juvenile diabetes
juvenile elastoma
juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy
juvenile haemangiofibroma
juvenile hormone esterase
juvenile hormones
juvenile hyalin fibromatosis
juvenile kyphosis
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
juvenile palmo-plantar fibromatosis

Literary usage of Juvenile delinquent

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Problems of Child Welfare by George Benjamin Mangold (1914)
"Evolution of the "juvenile delinquent." The attitude of society toward the juvenile delinquent has undergone a fundamental change within a few decades. ..."

2. Psychology for Normal Schools by Lawrence Augustus Averill (1921)
"LESSON 40 THE juvenile delinquent What juvenile delinquency is. You have doubtless very frequently seen in the daily press accounts of boys, and sometimes ..."

3. Child Problems by George Benjamin Mangold (1914)
"DEVELOPMENT OF THE juvenile delinquent. The attitude of society toward the juvenile delinquent has undergone a fundamental change within a few decades. ..."

4. Adjustment of School Organization to Various Population Groups by Robert Alexander Fyfe McDonald (1915)
"CHAPTER III PROVISIONS FOR THE juvenile delinquent, UNRULY, AND TRUANT The treatment of delinquents up to the present has been characterized by four aims ..."

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